I meant to publish this entry before I went on holiday, but time got the better of me. My initial impression of markets and the economy as I get back in the saddle is that I haven’t missed much. As such, after hitting F5 an awful lot of times to pull my spreadsheets into the present, I am left thinking about the same themes that I have since Covid-19 ripped up the script. Actually, I am pondering the same themes that I was mulling before the virus too. Economists and analysts are running out of ways to describe the current regime, but in a nutshell, the state of play is as follows. The virus was the straw that broke the camel’s back, prompting policymakers to double-down on the fascinating experiment they have been flirting with, in some form or the other, since the onset of the great financial crisis. How much fiat currency can be created before it either destroys capital markets via inflation, or perhaps more likely, sows political disaccord, if not outright kinetic conflict? I am neatly leaving out the prospect of policy actually getting it right, which is to say; the idea that a new equilibrium is obtained which allows monetary and fiscal policy to seamlessly leave the stage. After all, why would policymakers give up the power that they’re currently being offered by economic events? Luckily the answer to the first part of this question seems to be a very long time, and quite possibly well within the investment horizon for many investors. As a result, investors are being invited to pick up dimes in front of the proverbial steamroller, at gunpoint for added effect. History suggests that they will do just that, until something breaks.
Read MoreMany investors understandably remain focused on the rally in equities, probably with a mix of satisfaction and astonishment. As interesting as the virus-defying rise in equities is, though, the real story this week has been in U.S. rates, Let me explain. It started with analysts suddenly remembering that trying to shield the economy from the Covid-19 induced lockdowns is going to cost money. Markets’ memory was stirred by the U.S. Treasury announcing that it is planning to place $3T worth of debt in Q2 alone, a cool 14% of GDP, and that’s probably just the beginning. The initial response by many analysts was to extrapolate to a depreciation of the dollar. After all, that’s an awful lot of currency that Uncle Sam will need to produce, assuming that is, that the Fed is going to stand up and be counted. As I argued in my day-job, that reaction was surprising to me. After all, it’s not as if European governments won’t have to dig deep either, and it’s not clear to me that the race to throw money at Covid-19 favours a bet against the dollar. In any case, before we get to currencies, the incoming tsunami of U.S. debt issuance is also, obviously, important for fixed income, and in a world of uncertainty, I am happy to report that the movie currently on offer is one that we have seen before.
Read MoreThe idea of government intervention and demand-side fiscal stimulus was born by Keynes, eradicated by neoclassical economics, lazily reintroduced by the new Keynesians, and is now enjoying a renaissance. It’s fiendishly difficult to judge history in real time, but I would bet that the current shift has momentum, a position that has been strengthened by the response to the Covid-19 crisis. It is perhaps unfair to insist on a marriage between this story and MMT, but it serves as an introduction to the issues at hand. The idea that governments with sovereign Chartalist currencies can’t run out of money, and that this power should be used to achieve full employment, is enticing. It is also, however, naive. MMT easily dodges the main theoretical critique, at least in the current environment. The Phillips Curve probably still exists, but it has also flattened significantly, making it difficult to attack MMT armed with the traditional trade-off between unemployment and inflation. If MMT passes this first test, however, it fails the subsequent trials. The implementation of MMT in today’s economy requires significant shifts in the relationship between fiscal and monetary policymakers and an end to the free flow of capital. My sense is that about half the proponents of the theory don’t have a clue about any of this. The other half understands that MMT requires an end to central bank independence, and a significant reduction in capital mobility. The problem is that this latter group aren’t being honest, and for that reason, I am skeptical about their true motivation. If you want to dial back globalization, the least you can do is to be honest about what this means for households and firms. If you think that an independent central bank is a suboptimal institution, how will the alternative look, and how will it be held accountable?
Read MoreIt has been clear for a while that Covid-19 would be a big shock to the global economy, but early predictions of a quick rebound, and a return to normal, now look fanciful. I am now inclined to believe that just about everything will change. My old colleague, and good friend, Jonathan Tepper is musing on a similar note in a recent piece on Unherd.com. I recommend that you go read it; it’s a great piece. For my part, I’ll split my arguments into two observations, not necessarily market-related, but both are key to understand the evolution of markets and the economy in the next few quarters, and I would suggest, beyond as well. We are not even through the first quarter yet, but it’s fair to say that the first chart on my next page already is the chart of the year. It portrays the “optimal” strategy to combat the virus relative to doing nothing, and a policy of loose mitigation. Leaving the Chinese and South Korean outbreaks aside—as well as the grim disaster unfolding in Iran—I think it’s fair to make two overall points. Firstly, there has been a significant debate about the correct strategy to combat the virus. The responses have been scattered on a spectrum ranging from (unconfirmed?) pictures of Chinese authorities welding doors shut to apartment blocks to halt the spread, over to “herd immunity”. Or, as former SAS soldier Ant Middleton’s suggests; “fuck Covid-19”, a statement that he, in fairness, has now retracted.
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