Posts tagged forward guidance
Decision Time

Many investors understandably remain focused on the rally in equities, probably with a mix of satisfaction and astonishment. As interesting as the virus-defying rise in equities is, though, the real story this week has been in U.S. rates, Let me explain. It started with analysts suddenly remembering that trying to shield the economy from the Covid-19 induced lockdowns is going to cost money. Markets’ memory was stirred by the U.S. Treasury announcing that it is planning to place $3T worth of debt in Q2 alone, a cool 14% of GDP, and that’s probably just the beginning. The initial response by many analysts was to extrapolate to a depreciation of the dollar. After all, that’s an awful lot of currency that Uncle Sam will need to produce, assuming that is, that the Fed is going to stand up and be counted. As I argued in my day-job, that reaction was surprising to me. After all, it’s not as if European governments won’t have to dig deep either, and it’s not clear to me that the race to throw money at Covid-19 favours a bet against the dollar. In any case, before we get to currencies, the incoming tsunami of U.S. debt issuance is also, obviously, important for fixed income, and in a world of uncertainty, I am happy to report that the movie currently on offer is one that we have seen before.

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