I am coming into 2024 in a decent position. My MinVar equity portfolio, designed to extract the best from both worlds in the perennial battle between growth and value, has done largely what it is supposed to do. It has offered positive, but below-beta, returns with below-beta volatility, the latter which means that your humble blogging investment analyst has been able to sleep calmly at night. In bonds, I moved my exposure onto the front early in 2023 in line with the yield curve inversion. At this point I see no reason to change that strategy. Why buy negative carry in duration when you don’t have to? There will be a time to take a strong bet on duration, but I can’t really see that point until either the front-end has collapsed under the weight of global central bank easing, or unless the curve rinses everyone by bear-steepening sufficiently to restore a positive roll and carry in the long bond. In other words, I don’t see any reason to buy duration as long as the curve is still deeply inverted.
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