Posts in Audio essays
The Fertility Wars (Audio essay)

Some people like to read, some people like to listen, some people prefer to write, while some speak. I am a bit of a mix, and if you are too, it’s possible that you’d prefer to listen to some of the writing on Alpha Sources rather reading it on a screen. Up until recently, that wasn’t really possible unless I either painstakingly, and poorly, recorded myself reading the text, or I paid an artist to do it for me, the latter which is a touch overkill given that I am not charging for access to my blog. Fortunately, AI voiceover technology is getting good, and fast, so good in fact that I am not able to introduce something new entirely; the Alpha Sources audio essay. These essays are powered by ElevenLabs, where I have recently become a subscriber. It’s fascinating what this tool can do, and I have only scratched the service, I am sure. I am kicking off with an audio version of my recent long-form essay, The Fertility Wars. All references and links used in this essay can be found by following the links above. The written essay contains two footnotes, which have been omitted in the audio version.

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