December 8 - Vespera-7 calls home

Subject: Transmission from Expedition Vespera-7

Location: Exoplanet Gliese 667 C / Seraphia

Date: December 8, 2123

This is captain Elara Rodriguez sending the first transmission from the surface of a remarkable world that we are calling Seraphia. The planet orbits Gliese 667 C, a member of the Gliese 667 triple-star system. Seraphia is a place of extraordinary scientific intrigue. Our initial scans indicate that the planet has an atmosphere bearing similarities to Earth's, albeit with variations in gas concentrations. We have confirmed Seraphia to be within the habitable zone of its parent star, Gliese 667 C, making it a good candidate for potential life. We can also confirm the initial conjecture by observers that the planet is tidally-locked, with one side of the planet in permanent darkness, and the other in permanent illumination by its sun.

The terrain is diverse and captivating, featuring deep tropical and sub-tropical forests on the dark side, and vast expanding plains on the illuminated side. Early observations seem to contradict earlier eccentricity analysis that this is not a rocky planet, but it is too soon to say. The presence of liquid water, as confirmed by our onboard spectrometers, is evident in the sinuous rivers and interconnected lakes, promising the potential for life to flourish. Seraphia exhibits unique magnetic anomalies, hinting at a complex geological history yet to be unraveled.

The indigenous flora we have encountered is unlike anything we've seen before. Resilient to the subtle differences in solar radiation and soil composition, these plants exhibit vibrant bioluminescence, illuminating the landscape with ethereal glows that shift in response to environmental changes. The organisms in the forested zones possess novel, and as yet unknown, adaptations in the absence of the ability to use photosynthesis, at least in the way we know this process on earth.

Our rover has recorded fascinating data on the local fauna. Seraphia teems with life, from aerial creatures resembling Earth's pterosaurs to terrestrial beings displaying remarkable ecological roles. Preliminary analysis of their biochemistry suggests an intriguing adaptation to the planet's unique environment. Seraphia orbits a trinary star system, where three stars cast their distinct, alternating lights across the sky, creating a breathtaking and ever-changing celestial panorama. This stellar trio influences the planet's climate, resulting in periodic variations in temperature and illumination, especially in the border zones between light and darkness, which we believe has driven the extraordinary adaptation of its life forms.

Seraphia holds the potential for groundbreaking discoveries that could reshape our understanding of the universe and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. We are driven by an unwavering commitment to science, exploration, and the thirst for knowledge.

With anticipation and respect for this newfound realm,

Captain Elara Rodriguez

Expedition Vespera-7

Exoplanet Seraphia