December 14 - Vespera 7 travels further

This is part two of a three-part series that started on December 10

Subject: Transmission from Expedition Vespera-7

Location: Exoplanet Seraphia

Date: December 14, 2123

This is captain Elara Rodriguez transmitting from the southern hemisphere of Seraphia. Our mission has ventured to the vast and breathtaking savannahs that stretch across this region, venturing south from our original landing site in the north and permanently dark part of the planet. The vital environmental data are pleasant from the point of view of humans. The atmosphere is stable with an oxygen content of 19.8%, and the temperature hovers at a comfortable 22°C in the illuminated zone, making it easy for the team to explore. The sky remains tinted in a violet hue due to the unique spectral properties of this exoplanet's three suns, casting an ethereal and surreal beauty upon the land.

Our initial observations of the southern savannahs reveal a pattern and panorama not dissimilar to large expansive plains on earth, particularly the African Serengeti. The horizon to the south stretches to infinity, dotted with groves of alien vegetation resembling a fusion of tall grasses and hardy shrubs, all adapted to the local conditions. An initial analysis of soil samples suggests a rich blend of minerals, which should be well suited for agriculture.

Fauna on Seraphia is equally remarkable. We've encountered fascinating indigenous creatures some of which seem to possess a bio-luminescent adaptation, indicating that they're adapted to cross the boundary between permanent darkness and light . Preliminary observations have allowed us to witness unique behaviors of these creatures, such as intricate social structures and an ecosystem akin to Earth's herbivore-predator relationships. Our biologists are enthusiastic about further research in this domain. Our geologists have detected intriguing geological features. The southern savannah is occasionally interrupted by irregular rock formations with intricate carvings and markings, suggesting an advanced ancient civilization or perhaps a unique geological process, resembling petroglyphs. We have yet to detect any evidence of intelligent life, in the way that we understand.

The expansive plain is broken in places by rivers snaling through the savannah with crystalline waters. This river sustains life in this arid landscape and, upon sampling, our scientists have identified microbial life within it, further confirming the ability of Seraphia's ecosystem to harbor complex life forms.

Our journey to the southern savannah and permanently illuminated zone has exceeded our expectations. The unique combination of landscapes, wildlife, and geological phenomena we have uncovered all but confirms Seraphia's ability to sustain human life. Our findings  further underscores the importance of continuing our exploration and study of the planet. We are eager to share our discoveries as we make them.

With anticipation and humility.

Captain Elara Rodriguez

Expedition Vespera-7

Exoplanet Seraphia


DALL E 2 prompt:  “A magical savannah under an ominous sky with planets, digital art” (variations)

Chat GPT prompt: "N/A" Lost this one, but the prompt was related to the first part of the story on December 10.