Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


It’s been quite a year. I am inclined to say that next year can’t be worse, but that would probably jinx it. Also, for owners of financial assets, 2020 has been a great year, even if the economy, and event the fabrics of society, have been stretched to a breaking point. The main question for 2021 is whether this imbalance can continue? I’ll continue to investigate that question on the blog in the new year. I also hope to be able to do some more videos and podcasts.

Apart from that, all that is left for me is to wish all my readers a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I am very grateful for the attention you afford this little corner of the internet. I know time is a scarce resource, and the content I share is guided by that consideration. I also wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to my fellow narrative-warriors and collaborators on Twitter.

See you in 2021.

Picture courtesy of and @AnnieSpratt.