The hawk is demanding action ...


As Paul Wolfowitz makes his inagural speech to the World Bank he is demanding concrete results from the organization's programs and efforts - See articles about Wolfowitz's speech here and here


"And by results, let me be clear. I mean results that have a real impact in the day-to-day lives of the poor. We stand accountable to them ..."


This demand for results is echoed in the row between the former WB president James Wolfensohn and the US treasury department where the money jugglers in Washington grieved that their money were being poured into excess bureaucracy and the lack of accountability.

The future will tell whether Wolfowitz will continue to redeem the perceived faults of his Clinton appointed predecessor echoed from the Bush administration. The fact that continuity with his previous work is present is not odd but many World Bank officials will probably feel squelched by a puppit driven from Washington which potentially could stifle the organization's work. Perhaps Mr. Wolfowitz should have stayed home after all tinkering with doctrines of pre-emption and chasing down terrorist ghosts in Afghan caves ... ?